DBS News

Internet Marketing is evolving rapidly

Written by DBS Internet Marketing | Jun 27, 2013 8:00:00 AM

It’s been 1 month since Google rolled out the Penguin 2.0 algorithm update. Google claim the update focused on making its results “more balanced” so that one particular site doesn't dominate the first page for a keyword. We’ve seen some strange outcomes for clients in the last four weeks. For example, several clients have been overtaken by information based sites like Wikipedia, BBC, Daily Mail and the Guardian. The update has brought about drops in rankings for some businesses which means that they may have to turn to pay per click advertising ie more revenue for Google. In the past Google has viewed links to your website as an endorsement or “popularity” vote. The latest Penguin 2.0 update still very much takes into account the links that point to your site but more relevance has been placed on the “authority” that Google sees your site as having.
The question has traditionally been:

“how do I get to the top of Google?”

…whereas now the question should be:

“how can I build authority for my website?”


How can DBS build authority?

Link building This technique is still vital - the perfect link is 100% relevant and from a website with great authority

Content Content is King Create high quality, unique content and refresh frequently Make sure your pages have at least 200-300 words of unique copy that is continually refreshed Add relevant, unique content via your blog as frequently as you can An “about us page” shows your business is alive – develop it to the full Add video content to your website it is unique to you and relevant Link out to sites of authority eg if you are a builder link to the Federation of Master Builders

Social media It’s clear Penguin 2.0 measures your social media signal If your business has no social media accounts set up it will have a zero social media signal If your business has social media accounts set up but doesn't share content frequently it will have a weak social media signal A business that frequently shares unique and relevant content that has been added to its website through social media channels with a few followers will have a medium social media signal A business that frequently shares unique and relevant content that has been added to its website through social media channels with many followers will have a high social media signal and therefore should rank higher in search engines Your business and key team members needs social media accounts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google
Contact David Clarke today on 0800 988 8366 for more information on how to keep up with the changes in internet marketing.